Elevate your efficiency

Unmatched risk management and dealing

Supporting brokers worldwide


Introducing Pro FX Dealing, a pioneering company formed by a group of highly skilled and certified experts. Our primary objective is to equip brokers across the globe with an unwavering risk management framework and comprehensive dealing support solution.

At Pro FX Dealing, we possess an unparalleled wealth of knowledge and experience in the intricacies of the financial industry. Our team comprises seasoned professionals who have honed their skills over years of dedicated service, making them well-versed in the complexities and nuances of the market. With a deep understanding of the ever-changing dynamics of the financial landscape, we are fully equipped to assist brokers in navigating the challenges and capitalizing on the opportunities presented in this dynamic environment.


Risk Management Analytics

At Pro FX Dealing, we pride ourselves on providing a comprehensive and innovative risk management solution for our clients in the brokerage industry. Our aim is to ensure the smooth operation and long-term success of your brokerage by implementing a transparent, stable, and dynamic risk management framework.

Gain insights, make informed decisions, and mitigate risks with real-time analytics. Ensure stability with robust algorithms and proactive strategies. Adapt to market changes, maximize profitability, and control risk. 


Dealing Room Support

Unparalleled expertise in monitoring and optimizing dealing operations. Decades of industry experience. Real-time market analysis. Tailored solutions for risk management, strategy optimization, and compliance. Stay ahead with our dedicated team of experts. Elevate your foreign exchange activities with our in-depth knowledge and support. Partner with us for success.

Eliminate costly overheads and risks associated with building a high expertise risk management team. Partner with us for comprehensive risk management solutions. Save on payroll, overheads, data, systems, and training. We handle personnel hiring and replacement risks. Focus on your business while we manage your risk effectively.


Platform Set Up

We assist brokers in server setup, platform configuration, and seamless integration with liquidity and bridge providers. Trust us to connect you with the best trading infrastructure for optimized performance and enhanced trading capabilities.

Utilize built-in risk management tools, easily adjust cover and hedge settings, and experience unparalleled flexibility and functionality.